60-minute consultation

Book a call with an experienced career consultant and get as much useful information within one hour as possible. Pick any career topic, from occupation change to job interview preparation.

PRICE: £215.00

Deep dive into one area of job search

Our consultant will go through the entire process with you step-by-step in order to identify where it could be improved. You will get recommendations on how to boost your resume, LinkedIn, and/or interview preparation.


I keep getting rejection letters

In one hour, our consultant will go through your strengths and weaknesses and all of your experience so far. You will be advised on possible career paths, most promising job titles, potential employers and salary levels.


I want to change careers but not sure how

We will give you an overview of the job market in your industry and discuss which countries have better opportunities to offer you depending on your career stage.


How do I choose a country for relocation?

We'll get you up to speed on the labour market figures, highlight your greatest strengths and prepare you for negotiations with your future (or current) employer.


I want to boost my salary

We'll check if the contract sent by your employer complies with the legislation in your chosen country. We will advise you on how to improve your working conditions and what else can be changed in the agreement to make it more favourable for you.


My new job agreement is confusing

Get in touch

Any questions, let us know. Feel free to message us on Instagram or email us at admin@ep-advisory.com.

Not sure which topic to choose for your call?

Enter your details and we'll send you the recording of our webinar "How to land a job in the UK, EU or UAE". Watch the webinar to learn more about the job search process and figure out which stage you need help with.

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