Job search abroad: how do we nail it?

Learn about our approach to each stage of the job search process: CV writing, LinkedIn algorithms, Cover letters, job interviews and negotiating your offer. Find out how we can help you every step of the way.

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Елизавета Проселкова ведет вебинар о карьере за рубежом


30 July

What time?

12:00 PM (London time)

How long?

1.5 hour

Follow an effective job search plan

Hundreds of professionals start sending out CVs without a plan. They barely get any response, and end up being extremely disappointed a few months later. Let's go through the process of applying for jobs in Europe, the UK and the Arab Emirates and how we approach it in our Career Hub and Full Support packages. Land a job faster with a good plan!

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This webinar is perfect if you:

Want to receive job offers but unsure how we help with that

Aim to get a great job in the EU, UK or UAE in the next 3 to 12 months

Have 2+ years of experience. International projects or degree are a big plus

Specialise in finance, marketing, IT, banking, consulting, engineering, procurement or other 'office' jobs

Join our free webinar and learn:

When do we tell you if your job is in demand in the country you wish to live in?
How do we work on your CV and LinkedIn?
Why do we sell full packages and not one-off services like CV writing?
What input is required from you during the process? What are you advised to read and what info we need you to provide?
What documents and consultations are included in the package and why?
What's a 'strategy session' and a 'live on-call job application call'?
Which factors apart from your job line can help you land a role abroad?
What secrets allow our clients to succeed?

The webinar speaker

Elizaveta Proselkova

Founder & CEO


Elizaveta is the driving force behind EP Advisory. She has an ability to radiate endless positive energy and generate it in others. Always having the time for our remote team and partnerships building, she also enjoys working with clients.

Fun fact

Liza doesn't shy away from difficult questions but if you ask her where she'd like to travel next, her answer will always be the same: Spain.

“I'm very satisfied by what we managed to achieve with EP Advisory. All my previous achievements have been properly described, and my CV looks presentable now with all the impressive results from past roles. I was able to think of many details of what I have actually had experience with, which helped me to prepare for job interviews too.”
Alexandr Lazovik
“I've been using LinkedIn every day for many years but I still learnt many hacks from EP Advisory! I'm working on improving my profile and activity now.”
Jason Weiss COO & Dealflow Manager
“I have just found out that I got my Skilled Worker visa approved by a company that initially didn't even want to sponsor a temporary Tier 5! I was constantly communicating with the manager for 3 months and he finally agreed and described my position in a way that fit perfectly under the Skilled Worker requirements. And this is all thanks to the excellent work of EP Advisory. My CV is praised by everyone and cited as an example. Thank you, EP Advisory, for the amazing support 🤗”
Olga Dienzhonkova NTT DATA Services (also Vodafone & Nokia)
“I've found so many mistakes on my LinkedIn profile, have edited and added a lot. Thank you for explaining all about LinkedIn algorithms.”
Vasiliy Kapitonov Instrumentation Engineer

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