How to write
a perfect CV

Let’s dive deep into the first step of the hiring process in the UK, Europe, the Emirates and other countries - CV screening. How to create an outstanding resume and impress recruiters?

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How long

1,5 hour

From Profile to Hobbies

Olga, our experienced career consultant in Lithuania, will show you the structure of a CV that is easy to understand for recruiters worldwide. We’ll talk through the key sections, the content and achievements, and also send you a CV checklist after the webinar.

This webinar is perfect if you:

Want to receive job offers but unsure how to get started

Are actively applying for jobs with your CV but not getting any results

Aim to get a great job in the EU, UK or UAE in the next 3 to 12 months

Specialise in finance, marketing, IT, banking, consulting, engineering, procurement or other ‘office’ jobs

What we are going to cover:

How does the recruitment system work?
5 must-haves of a winning resume in English
What are the keywords and why do you need them?
The eye-tracking study
The best and the worst CV examples
Most common mistakes to avoid

The webinar speaker

Olga Kukushkina

Consultant | Careers in marketing


Olga is a Senior Product Marketing Manager with over 7 years of experience. Olga will inspire you to find the best match for your future job position and provide assistance with crafting your CV and preparing for interviews. Olya lives in Vilnius, Lithuania (not Latvia) and runs a YouTube blog. In her free time, she has a passion for running and exploring new destinations around the world.

About Olga
“It was really valuable for me to take part in your webinar last week. Besides, EP Advisory’s short and informative videos present a lot of useful information in just 5-10 min. I highly recommend following EP Advisory across social media!”
Oksana Peresunko Project Management
“I found out about EP Advisory through a recommendation and asked them about the current UK visas to determine my strategy. The team is very professional and pleasant. Special thanks to the consultant Andre Atallah with whom I had a conversation. I received very informative answers to my questions. As I progress with my relocation plans, I will definitely turn to the specialists of this company for help.”
Olga Tolstaya
“EP Advisory was a turning point in my career. If you feel stuck in your job search or can't understand what's wrong with your CV, these experienced career consultants can definitely help.”
Ilya Sibikin Engineering

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